Post 4: Your Bucket List
Hi, today we are going to talk about my bucket list, in it we can add finishing college, getting the love of my life and choosing my friends. Among these desires the most difficult would be to get love and good friends because they not only depend on me, as it is to finish my career, these desires also depend on the people with whom I relate and if I accept them in my life and of course if they accept me in theirs. I think that the most difficult point of the list is to choose my friends because for that you have to look for people who really are with you in good times and bad, besides building trust in friendship and of course always have the desire to be there not only from time to time. I feel that I already have some definite friends that have been with me since ninth grade, which is more than six years, so a part of that point of the list is already done. We can also consider the university that we are advancing little by little to finish it and love will happen when it ha...